
-Woota Chuan 吾他川設計


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該項目的核心理念是舒適和再生,"Newborn "這個名稱完美表現了這一點。弧形設計的靈感來自於翻動的書頁,象徵著重生和希望。其設計理念是確保每一個回家的人都能得到良好的休息,隔天再如同重獲新生般面對生活中的一切。




The heart of the concept is comfort and regeneration,symbolized by the project's fitting name, "Newborn." Curved designs, inspired by a book's turning pages, symbolizes rebirth and hope. The idea is to ensure everyone returning home a good rest to face everything in life the next day.

Ceilings and the contours of the space serve as elegant markers of spatial separation instead of
using traditional partitions, defining each area with clear yet subtle
atmospheric changes, preventing the space from becoming monotonous.

To accommodate the diverse routines of a family, common areas are strategically separated from bedrooms. The inclusion of a reading and relaxation alcove by the windows adds a touch of spontaneity to the space. Simultaneously, it facilitates a balance between family interactions and individual privacy.

The design employs natural, easy-to-clean, and zero-methanol, mineral paint as a substitute for wood veneer. Also, the wavelike surfaces in the design optimizes light diffusion, thus requiring fewer lighting fixtures for sufficient brightness. Both mental and physical health of the family are taken good care of in this elegant home, no matter what challenges lie ahead, everyone will be able to face them with a renewed sense of self.

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