Urban Nest
2024 iF Design Awards 德國iF設計獎/ 住宅室內設計類/ Winner
2023 BETTER FUTURE Paris Design Awards 巴黎設計獎/ 住宅類-行政套房/ 銀獎
2023 TITAN Property Awards 美國泰坦設計獎/ 公寓類/ 白金獎

The redesign of this project extends the space through proper furniture placement and limiting obstructions used, creating a vast openness feel in the interior leading in all directions. The geometry, light and shadow, and a mixed texture create this transcending dancing interior, adding depth and layers to improve the display of comfort.
The color pallet used to create this atmosphere relies on a mellow-gray shading to redirect the eye’s attention to a more aesthetically pleasing aspects. The mix of metal texture and marbles generates a unique and luxurious interior by blending itself with the light and shadows.