Wayo Synthesis
設計師: Ju-Yu Yang 楊筑聿 & Chia-Pai Lin 林佳佩/ Great Circles Interior Design 大圓空間設計

"和洋折衷"是 19 世紀日本明治維新時期流行的一種風格。它將西方美學與日本美學優雅地結合在一起,創造出現代與傳統的完美融合。
在 Wayo Synthesis 中,設計師完美地平衡了簡約與複雜,既避免了視覺上的混亂,又保留了設計項目的細緻。多種牆面材料的運用巧妙地將空間區分開來,同時又不破壞美感。主臥室散發著簡約優雅的氣息,次臥室則採用了木質天花板和斜面設計,儘管位於高層建築中,卻讓人聯想到西式閣樓房間的感覺。
功能性也是這套設計的重點,廚房的儲物和佈局都十分考究。原有的三房佈局被改造成四房外加一間儲藏室,滿足了不斷成長的家庭對空間和儲藏的需求。兼顧機能性以及美學的 Wayo Synthesis 是可以一代代傳承、永久居住下的家。
"Wayo Secchu”(和洋折衷) is a style popularized during the Meiji Restoration period of Japan in the 19th
century. It gracefully combines Western and Japanese aesthetics, creating a
beautiful amalgamation of modernity and tradition.
In Wayo Synthesis, the designers perfectly balance simplicityand complexity, avoiding the possibility of visual clutters and still preservethe meticulousness of the design elements. Diverse wall materials are employed
to subtly differentiate the spaces without breaking the aesthetics. The master
bedroom exudes a minimalist elegance, while the secondary bedroom features a
wooden ceiling and slanted design, evoking the feel of a Western-style attic
room, despite being situated in a high-rise building.
Functionality is also a key focus in this design, withmeticulous attention to kitchen storage and layout. The original
three-bedroom layout has been transformed into four bedrooms plus a storage
room, catering to the evolving space and storage needs of a growing family.
Functional and aesthetically pleasing, Wayo Synthesis is a home that can stand the test of time and be passed down from generation to generation.

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